
March 28, 2012

My Top Five: Photo Apps

I admit it. I am an Instagram addict. It is by far my most used app, even over Facebook and Twitter. I also have become quite a shameless photo app hoarder. I had to recently edit myself because my space was filling up on my iPhone...I had six folders full of photo apps alone! Here are my top five right now.

Shake It Photo, $1.99 - gives the classic polaroid photo look without buying the vintage camera. This is one of my go-to apps, which I then usually add an Instagram filter to. In this photo I also used Doodle Booth for the cute orange bow. 

Masking Tape, $0.99 - In real life I am getting into the whole fancy masking tape thing. I recently bought green polka dot masking tape and one with music notes. This app allows you to add pretty masking tape to your photos. Pointless yes, but is your photo cuter with masking tape that is red with hearts...YES! In this photo I also used Phonto for the wording and Montage so I would have white space around the photo.

Photo Reflection, Free - Sometimes a photo is so pretty you want two of it! Photo reflection is easy to use and you can customize the photo in many different ways. I also used Juxtuposer and Diptic for this photo. 

Diptic, $0.99 - I probably use this app more than any other. I love combining multiple photos into one shot. I used an Instagram filter on this for the color. 

Squareready, Free - This app is more of a "I am a perfectionist when I post app-edited photos" type of app. You view your photo in Squareready and adjust how you want it to be seen on the Instagram screen, and you can post directly via Squareready. It is perfect for the photo that may not fit all the way in the screen. This is what it looks like when you are editing it for Instagram:

Let me know if you have any questions about the apps! You can find me on Instagram as "amberpresley" or see my feed here.

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